
       Diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, prostate, penis and testicles; It is the branch of science that examines and treats infertility and impotence in men and the causes of urinary incontinence in women.

      In our Urology Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of uro-genital diseases are carried out by specialist physicians, experienced nurses and up-to-date medical equipment. In our Urology Clinic, uro-genital diseases diagnosed by methods such as ultrasound, cystography, computed tomography, PSA and uroflowmetry (urination test) are treated with medication, open surgery and endoscopic methods.
In our hospital, we have diagnosis and treatment services in the field of urology.

Areas we serve in our Urology Clinic:

Male Urology
Pediatric Urology
Female Urology

The main diseases treated in our Urology Polyclinic are:

Kidney and urinary tract diseases; stone diseases, infections
Bladder (urinary bladder) diseases; bladder tumor and inflammation
Prostate diseases; closed prostate surgeries,
Diseases of the penis and testicles
Sexually transmitted diseases in men
Pediatric urology; hypospadros (bottom urination), night bedwetting, undescended testicle
Gynecological urology; Urinary incontinence complaint and treatment in women
endoscopic urology
Infertility in men


Op.Dr.Tamer KUZEY
Op.Dr.Tamer KUZEY

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