Medigüneş Hospital is 13 years old!

Private Medigüneş Hospital, which is among the respected health institutions of the region in the health sector, serves the people of the region with its modern devices and carries out important surgeries, celebrated its 13th anniversary with a dinner event.
Private Medigüneş Hospital, which has been serving the people of Salihli and the region with its experienced, dynamic and experienced physician staff since 2010, turned 13 years old. At the night held at Elf Restaurant on the occasion of the anniversary of the establishment of Private Medigüneş Hospital, hospital employees both had fun and relieved stress.

“We did things that were said to be impossible in Salihli”

Speaking at the 13th establishment dinner of Private Medigüneş Hospital, Chief Physician Op.Dr.Seçkin Meriçeli said that they have completed their 12th year as a hospital and entered their 13th year. Chief Physician Meriçeli said, “Hard days are behind us,” and said, “While everyone was afraid of patients during the pandemic period, all of you, as the Medigüneş Family, provided very serious service without fear to heal the patients during this process. “I congratulate all of you for your devoted work,” he said. Stating that they have become stronger both in terms of staff and equipment, Meriçeli said, “It is not easy to be an institution or a family. As we completed our 12th year and entered our 13th year, we did things that were said to be impossible in Salihli. We took the things that needed to be done one step further. We achieved this all together. “Let’s celebrate many more thirteen years together and many more years of success,” he said.

13th anniversary cake was cut

Private Medigüneş Hospital Chairman of the Board of Directors Op.Dr.Bekir Yasa, who cut the 13th anniversary cake together with the hospital board members, emphasized that they had the rightful pride and honor of reaching 13 years in service and said that they would continue to progress together with their employees in line with their goals.

Gift draw was held

Following the speeches, 10 small gold coins were given in a raffle, and gift certificates were also given to 15 employees. While hospital partners gave the awards to the lucky staff, the celebration dinner continued until late hours of the night with live music.

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