He got rid of kidney stones with Medigüneş

The young man, who had health problems due to a 15-millimeter stone in his kidney canal, got rid of the kidney stone at Salihli Private Medigüneş Hospital.
Selahattin Üzen, who lives in Salihli, applied to Private Medigüneş Hospital Urology Specialist Op.Dr.Teoman Cüneyt Karataş with complaints of severe pain and difficulty urinating. As a result of the examinations, a 15 millimeter stone was detected in Üzen’s renal canal. The stone in the patient’s renal canal was successfully broken by the Flexible URS method of Op.Dr.Karataş and his team. Op.Dr.Karataş “We broke the 15 millimeter stone in our patient’s renal canal with the Flexible URS method. Our patient got rid of both the stone and his pain and regained his health. “I wish them success in their future lives,” he said.

“Do not neglect your health”

Underlining that the kidney stone problem cannot be neglected, Op. Dr. Teoman Cüneyt Karataş “It is not right to postpone treatment. It is possible to treat kidney stones in a short time. If neglected, the kidney may stop working over time and the patient may lose his kidney. I recommend everyone to drink plenty of water to prevent kidney stones from forming and to easily remove the stones from the body while they are still small. “If they suspect the presence of kidney stones, feel pain, or have problems with their urinary tract, they should definitely consult a urologist,” he said.

Op.Dr.Karataş said, “Drinking fluids so that the color of the urine is light in hot weather reduces the formation of kidney stones.” He added: “The treatment of stones in the kidneys and urinary tracts and the bladder has become much more practical and easy to apply in parallel with the developments in technology over the years and has improved the lives of the patients.” It has gained an effective and safe feature with methods that affect its quality very little. “Thanks to this treatment method, which requires a short stay in the hospital, patients can return to their work and social lives in a very short time,” he said.

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