General Surgery

       General surgery examines general issues such as many systems in the body (endocrine system: thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, etc., digestive system: esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, liver, bile system), breast diseases, trauma, burns, and It is a branch of science that provides both medical and surgical treatment of diseases of these systems.

       In our hospital, all surgical procedures performed in the field of General Surgery are performed by experienced surgeons, anesthesiologists, an experienced and trained staff, and with technical equipment in accordance with world standards.

Practices Performed in the Field of General Surgery in Our Hospital

Follow-up and surgical treatment of breast diseases
Follow-up and surgeries of goiter patients
Follow-up and treatment of colon, rectum and anus diseases (colorectal tumors, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, etc.)
Umbilical and inguinal hernia surgeries
Surgeries for upper gastrointestinal system (esophagus, stomach) diseases
Hepatobiliary system (bile system, liver, pancreas) diseases surgeries
Emergency surgical diseases (appendicitis, gallbladder inflammation, trauma surgery, etc.)
Minor surgical interventions with local anesthesia.
Current surgical approaches
laparoscopic surgery
Breast-conserving surgery for breast tumor – biopsy
Hemorrhoidopexy with DeLongo method in hemorrhoids
Breast, small intestine, colon, thyroid, adrenal tumors


        It is to observe the inside of the abdomen using an optical device. This device is placed into the abdomen through a small 1 cm incision below the navel. By illuminating the inside of the abdomen, it provides the opportunity to directly observe diseases or problems related to the uterus, ovaries and tubes and, if necessary, to simultaneously treat them with auxiliary instruments inserted through 3 – 5 mm holes opened in the lower abdomen.

         Especially after the 1990s, laparoscopy began to be used frequently in surgical operations with great development. Thanks to laparoscopic surgery, many complications have been minimized and the time it takes for patients to return to work after surgery has been shortened to the maximum. Many surgeries performed openly in general surgery can now be performed laparoscopically; In our hospital, many surgeries are successfully performed laparoscopically with our technical equipment in accordance with world standards.

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

        In our department, laparoscopic inguinal hernia operations and laparoscopic umbilical hernia operations are frequently performed with TAPP and TEPP techniques.

Laparoscopic Appendectomy (Appendicitis)

        Diagnostic laparoscopy and laparoscopic treatment of acute appendicitis are performed.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder)

        Standard laparoscopic gallbladder surgery and S.I.L.S. (single hole laparoscopic surgery) are successfully performed in our hospital.
        Apart from these, spleen and adrenal surgeries are performed laparoscopically.


Op.Dr.Bekir YASA
Op.Dr.Selçuk TIRAŞ

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