Ear Nose Throat Diseases

       Department of Ear Nose and Throat is a branch of science that examines medical and surgical diseases of the ears, nose and sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and neck area.

      The ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) Department of our hospital provides services to both adults and children. Our aim is to provide the highest quality service to our patients who come to our hospitals with ear, nose and throat complaints, accompanied by our specialist physicians and state-of-the-art medical devices.

      Department-related outpatient clinics and surgical interventions are available in all our hospitals.

Main Diseases Treated in Our Ear, Nose and Throat Department

External ear canal, eardrum and middle ear diseases
Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses (deformities, septum deviation, turbinate hypertrophies, sinusitis and nasal polyps)
Diseases of the oral cavity, tonsils, throat and larynx
Diseases of the salivary glands and neck
Tinnitus, sudden idiopathic hearing loss

Main Diagnostic Methods Performed in Our Hospitals

Balance tests (Audiometry, Timponometry, Otoacoustic emission)
Examination of sinuses, nose, throat and vocal cords with endoscopic method
swallowing disorders
Microscopic diagnosis and treatment

Main Treatment Methods in Our Hospitals

Deviation and turbinate surgeries (Septum Deviation and Turbinate Hypertrophy Surgeries)
Tonsil, adenoid and ventilation tube applications
Eardrum surgeries
Salivary gland diseases, medical and surgical treatment
Rhinoplasty Surgery (Correction of nose deformities),


Opr.Dr.Mesut Oral
Op.Dr.Mesut ORAL

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