Cardiac Surgery

          Interventions in the treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases, which are the most threatening human health and cause of death today, are of vital importance for the patient. In this branch where superior technology and experience are very important, our hospital offers world-class service by bringing together high-tech devices, experienced staff with academic careers and trained healthcare personnel.

         In our hospital, heart surgeries are performed in a private operating room, sterile environment, with superior technology and an experienced team. Each of our patients is followed by an experienced team after the surgery.

Services Provided in Our Cardiovascular Surgery Department

1- Open Heart Operations

       Coronary Bypass Surgeries: It is often performed using both breast and arm arteries. In suitable patients, this operation can be performed under the breast without cutting the breastbone.


       Heart Valve Surgeries: Our valve surgeries are mostly performed under the armpit or by cutting the breastbone in half, depending on the patient’s body structure and accompanying diseases. Most of the time, it is repaired without replacing the cover.

      Congenital Heart Diseases and Heart Tumors: Cardiac diseases, tumors and holes in the heart in adulthood are often treated with small incisions under the armpit.

      Aneurysm (Balooning in the Aorta): These surgeries can be performed without completely cutting the breastbone, provided that it is in the chest area.

2- Jugular Vein (Carotid Artery) Operations:

     These operations, which have a very important place in preventing strokes, are performed intensively in our hospital with successful results.

3- Endovascular Treatments

         Aortic Vessel Balloonings (Aneurysm) in the Back and Abdominal Region: Although surgeries for these rare diseases are performed with great success, they are often treated by intravascular stent application (EVAR / TEVAR) without the need for open surgery.

      Arterial Occlusions in the Foot Veins (Peripheral Artery Disease): Even in advanced ages, it is often treated with balloon and stent methods without the need for surgery or anesthesia.

4- Dialysis Treatments

          AV Fistula Operations: All patients are evaluated with ultrasound before the operation and results with a very high success rate are obtained.

        Catheter: All kinds of temporary and permanent dialysis catheter procedures are performed in the angio room and under ultrasound guidance. This increases the success rate and brings the complication rate close to zero.

         AV Fistula Revision Treatments: Especially problems that do not function adequately or cause complaints such as pain, swelling in the arm, or AV fistulas that have recently stopped are treated with surgery or balloon method.

5- Varicose Vein Treatments

        Open and closed varicose vein surgeries are performed in our center under operating room conditions using intraoperative ultrasound. Sclerotherapy for aesthetic purposes, varicose vein operations with radiofrequency or laser catheter or glue method are frequently performed interventions in our center.

6- Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism:

(Clot formation in the leg vein and this clot escaping into the lungs) High success is achieved with intravenous clot dissolving treatments in these diseases, which are often life-threatening and are tried to be monitored with drug therapy.


Doç.Dr.Yücel ÖZEN
Doç.Dr.Yücel ÖZEN

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