Salihli Private Medigüneş Hospital; It is a modern health center that started its operations in 2010, taking advantage of all the possibilities of advanced technology in order to provide a friendly, respectful, qualified, reliable and medical error-free service.


       Our hospital was designed by taking into consideration the population, socio-cultural distribution, easy transportation and parking facilities of both our region and Salihli.


      While Salihli Private Medigüneş Hospital offers advanced medical technology to the public with a large and experienced staff of specialist physicians, it works with the principle of “patient-centered superior service approach”, which is adopted by all its staff with an extremely sensitive sense of trust, and rapidly introduces all the innovations that are considered the norm in the medical sector today. is implementing.

     In our diagnosis and treatment departments, where the latest examples of medical technology are used, our experienced physicians, who are experts in their fields, provide polyclinic services in the following branches.


In our hospital;
General Surgery,
Brain and Nerve Surgery,
Plastic surgery,
Eye diseases,
Internal medicine,
Orthopedics and Traumatology,
Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Ear Nose Throat,
Cardiovascular Surgery (CVS),
Emergency Angiography and Elective Angiography,
Chest Diseases,
Child Health and Diseases,
Physical therapy and rehabilitation,
Anesthesia and Reanimation,

Health services are provided in the branches of Biochemistry and Emergency Service.

     Salihli Private Medigüneş Hospital, where 31 specialist physicians, 4 emergency physicians and 256 allied health, administrative and technical personnel work, works 24 hours a day uninterruptedly.
Our hospital, which has 6 floors and a usage area of 8600 m², has 33 polyclinics, 1 Angiology Room, 5 operating rooms, 1 of which is a CVS, and 1 delivery room.

Fully equipped;
5-bed CVS intensive care unit,
5-bed Kroner intensive care unit,
12-bed 3rd level Anesthesia and Reanimation intensive care unit,
2nd level general intensive care unit with 8 beds,
We have level 3 Newborn intensive care services with 6 incubators.
In our hospital, which has a bed capacity of 114 patients, all kinds of comfort such as bathroom, toilet, television, refrigerator, air conditioner and wifi have been considered in our private patient rooms, and it is aimed to provide a perfect health service.

     In order to provide high quality imaging services in our hospital;
2 (MR) magnetic resonance,
1 Computerized spiral tomography (capable of taking 64 slices of 0.5 mm),
1 Mammography,
2 digital direct x-rays,
4 color doppler ultrasonography,
1 effort unit
Images taken from devices such as these are made available to all our physicians in a digital environment (PACS).
Salihli Private Medigüneş Hospital will continue to contribute to a healthy future by strengthening its medical, physical and technological infrastructure with the slogan “health requires trust”.

Private Salihli Güven Health Services JOINT STOCK COMPANY Board of Directors

Op.Dr.Bekir YASA

Chairman of the Board

Prof.Dr.İbrahim Ragıp ÖZKAN

Deputy Chairman

of the Board of Directors.

Op.Dr.Selçuk TIRAŞ

Deputy Chairman

of the Board of Directors.

Hospital Management

Op.Dr.Seçkin Meriçeli

Chief Physician

Op.Dr.Çetin SÖZAL

Deputy Chief Physician

Uzm.Dr.Hüseyin TUNAR

Deputy Chief Physician

Uzm.Dr.Erdinç Aktaş

Business Manager

Nuray Tosun

Head Nurse

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